About Us
Kenrich International School – Chennai will provide a totally balanced environment focused on shaping leaders of tomorrow through a unique and well-defined curriculum by offering comprehensive education through a developmental approach.
Kenrich International School – Chennai will provide a totally balanced environment focused on shaping leaders of tomorrow through a unique and well-defined curriculum by offering comprehensive education through a developmental approach.
Kenrich International School (KRIS) is a fully independent school located in the heart of Chennai city, the commercial capital of south India. Serving Chennai’s local communities since 2017, KRIS nurture students to become confident, caring, empowered thinkers, effective communicators and true global citizens.
Our school is co-educational, and a low student-teacher ratio. The essential spirit of KRIS is to provide a supportive atmosphere which challenges the students to excel.
KRIS offers a global and compressive programme that instils students with skills necessary for good, life-long work habits. We believe in education that stimulates intellectual curiosity, critical thinking and problem solving and allows students to be continually challenged at an appropriate level. The curriculum is structured in such a manner that it enables students to become independent, well balanced, active and caring members of the society.